This 24″ x 8″ in ground worm tube comes complete with a with 30 1″ predrilled holes, 8″ internal support sleeve, a flat paver stone cover / lid, instruction manual and installation video link. Best used just outside the drip line of your trees.
Operating Instructions:
Step 1:Â Using post hole digger, dig 2′ deep hole and install the worm bin in your garden or just outside the dripline of your trees.
Step 2:Â Add 4 inches of a 50/50 mix of vegan food scraps and bedding (shredded paper/ cardboard, compost, mulch, dried leaves or coco coir).
Step 3:Â Wait 2 weeks and see if any worms move in. If not, add 1/2 pound of worms to the bin.
Keep adding food scraps and bedding till bin is full.  To harvest worms, simply dig out the top 6″ and add to new bin.
Free 15 minute phone consultation with purchase. Delivery / installation available upon request. Worms sold separately. Highly recommend new worm farmers purchase “Worms Eat My Garbage” by Mary Appelhof. All profits go to weCompost2 to help promote on site composting.
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